News from the Chair

Having duly recovered from a severe arm twisting at the AGM I thought it time to put finger to keyboard and tell you of your committees proposals for the coming year.
It is felt that the Junction no longer seems to hold the welcome we once had, (and prices seem to vary upwards all the time!). So as from January we shall be meeting at the Beacon Hotel where John and Di Cullen have offered us a room. Apart from good beer, wine and food, if required, it seems altogether a nicer pub to gather in. (directions below).
Although poorly attended the November club meet enjoyed some gripping videos, courtesy of Paul, something likely to be repeated in the future. Meanwhile Rob M has lined up several speakers for the winter months.
We think it better to spend the evenings of the summer club meets at a crag rather than in a pub so we shall be issuing a list of venues for the months May to September. Where possible we shall synchronise with the CC meets on both the weekly and monthly climbing evenings. As usual we shall have a barbecue at Harrisons in August .
To make the away trips even more attractive we are offering every member who has paid subs by Dec 31st a £10 reduction in the cost of accommodation on one club trip between 1st Jan and Sept 30th 2012. The web site has a list of proposed venues for away meets. Hopefully there will be something of interest to everyone. We shall be firming up the arrangements in due course. Any suggestions regarding future destinations are welcome.
As usual John M is co-ordinating the climbing wall meets on Tues and Thurs nights by weekly email. If you want to go along get in touch with him to share lifts, times etc.
Paul has done a lot of work to make the web site user friendly so make use of it and send him photos and articles so that we can keep it up to date on members activities.
Finally don’t forget to let Sue know if you are attending the curry night on Dec 8. and if you can’t make that have a good Xmas and see you at the New Years meet. No doubt we shall have something similar to last years ‘Chimney Challenge’ to look forward to!
Steve J