The embodiment of both brain and brawn, Greg’s passion for climbing is clear… Continue reading “Member Profile Series: Number 4”
Member Profile Series: Number 3
Dan’s a mad-keen climber, honing his skills across the climbing disciplines. With a (sandstone) 6a ticked off in just his second year of climbing, the only way is up for Dan! Continue reading “Member Profile Series: Number 3”
Member Profile Series: Number 2
In our second ‘member profile’ meet Christine Parr from Tunbridge Wells. She’s an occupational therapist by trade, so take note when she advises you to stretch! Continue reading “Member Profile Series: Number 2”
Member Profile Series: Number 1
As we get into 2016, we thought we’d get to know some of our members better with a little Q&A. We start with a face you’ll usually see at the nearest crag, wall or further afield on one of his many day raids and trips: it’s our Club Chairman, Brian Mead. If you see him out and about say hello, he’s a friendly chap… Continue reading “Member Profile Series: Number 1”
Mont Blanc Marathon 2015 – Paul Highams
So its been a while since I did an article on what I’ve been up to. Rumours that I’d become an indoor boulderer and taken up croquet have been greatly exagerated, but I do go to the Arch more often than Harrisons. Continue reading “Mont Blanc Marathon 2015 – Paul Highams”