Chairman’s roundup – EGM instead of AGM

We are approaching the October meet when we would normally be holding our AGM, however this year we are calling an EGM in order to put forward the following change: –

We feel that it would make sense to bring ourselves into line with the BMC year end (Dec), this would make the membership secretary’s job simpler particularly from the point of view of membership, subscriptions, insurance etc.

If the club is in agreement with this we will hold the AGM in November and the new committee will take over from January. If you are unable to make the meeting and wish to respond or comment on this please do so by email. Continue reading “Chairman’s roundup – EGM instead of AGM”

Summer Climbing – Dates and Venues

Dear Club,

With British Summer Time just around the corner the time has finally come when we can look forward to getting out onto the sandstone during the weekday evening.

The website calendar has therefore been recently updated to include our proposed summer weekday climbing programme. As usual the focus of events will be at Bowles and Harrison’s on a Tuesday evening but with a mix of the slightly more alternative venues thrown in on a Thursday.

Obviously I can’t predict the weather so on that basis all dates should be viewed as slightly provisional. If wet some of the more shaded venues may have to be avoided in preference for the quicker drying crags. If this occurs then all efforts will be made to notify you all via either calendar changes or e-mail so if it looks damp then please check these before you turn up.

I hope that we get another dry summer like last year and look forward to seeing lots of existing and perspective members out on the sandstone over the coming months.

Regards  John

Chairmans Chat – October 2010

Well with the 2010 AGM approaching this month I have decided to move away from my usual summary of recent events and focus in on something that has been a concern since the start of my role as chairman last year. The subject that worries me most at the moment is that of membership, both in terms of overall numbers but also with regard to the general level of activity and, without being personal to anyone in particular, their age. Continue reading “Chairmans Chat – October 2010”